Thursday, 16 May 2013

Panzer's Deli

What: Panzer's

Where: 13-19 Circus Road, St Johns Wood High Street, London NW8 6PB

Review: Panzer's is a delicatessen located on St. Johns Wood High Street. Panzer's is a good choice for lunch for an ASL student. It's close to school, while also being cheap and providing great sandwiches. Panzer's paninis can be filled with anything they have at the deli. However, they don't provide seating so take away is the only option and it can get very busy at lunch.

Meal Price: £5

My Favourite Dish: Panini w/ Smoked Turkey, Mozzarella and Pesto

Price of Dish: £3.80

Variety of Choices: 4/5

Friendly atmosphere: 3/5

Effiency: 3/5

Price: 4/5

Quality of the meal: 4/5

Seating: N/A

Score: 18/25

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